–Flap Operation
The gingival removal process is called a flap operation. Depending on the tissues formed on the teeth and gums, there may be a feeling of discomfort. Against this, many developments have started to appear with the developing medical technology. One of them is the gingival removal operation. We are actively with you with your dentistry service and gum treatment methods offered to you professionally. The most common disease in our country is gingival diseases. These problems, especially in children and growing up, continue in old age if no treatment is applied. Since these problems do not cause any pain at first, it is very difficult to understand before proceeding. Problems arise in the future. These problems are minimized and overcome by applying flap operation to our patients against this situation. Before treatment, we pay special attention to oral hygiene for patients.
The gingival removal operation, which we offer you in a professional way, is preferred as the procedure in which deep points, that is, hard-to-reach areas, are performed. However, this operation is not applied in almost every gingival problem. Before, operations such as tooth surface cleaning and root surface cleaning are performed.
If there is any swelling or inflammation in the gingival area of our patient, we perform the flap operation. During the operation we apply, the diseased area that creates negativity on the tooth roots is reached and cleaned by opening the gums. If there is bone loss, an additional graft membrane is added during our procedure.
–Flap Operation Treatment
The operation treatment called flap, which we perform as a surgical procedure, can be expressed as a long process. Our patient has pockets of 6 or 7 millimeters in his mouth. Foreign particles and germ nest areas on this area are cleaned with the help of local anesthesia.
For this, the gums of our patients are removed in a small amount after anesthesia. After the gingiva is removed, washing and cleaning processes take place. Then, the process of sewing is completed with a small stitch.
There is no problem after tooth removal operation. Since there is a hard work on the procedure we perform, there will be no negative effects on the patient after the treatment process. However, it is necessary for our patients to be checked regularly during this time.
After the operation process called flap, patients should pay attention to certain rules. In addition to hot baths and physical activity, there are also some restrictions on food and drink. Patients have the chance to continue in their daily lives without any adverse events. On average, one week after the treatment, the stitches inside the patient’s mouth are removed. In short, we perform many smooth and successful flap operations in line with our knowledge and experience.