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Gummy Smile Treatment

–Gummy Smile Treatment

Gummy smile is expressed as gum smile. Gum smile, on the other hand, is the problem of the appearance of the gums that occur while talking or laughing on our patients. As it is normally seen in excess, many patients experience esthetic and psychological concerns. For this reason, we apply the gummy smile treatment in our clinic. In this disorder, the teeth on the patient are of normal size. However, the gums show themselves to a great extent. In the face of this problem, our patients generally demand treatment due to psychological problems. We have many gummy smile methods that we apply specifically for this situation that negatively affects the person in social life.

–What Causes Gummy Smile?
In the face of this situation, which is frequently experienced and has become a problem for many of our patients, the reasons for this disease are mostly wondered. The general causes of this condition on the patients we treat are as follows;

-Depending on the lip structure, the upper lip is thinner,
-Hypermobility of the muscle in the upper lip,
-Vertical growth problem in the upper jaw area,
-Bone growth problem on the upper jaw,
-Occurrence of gum problems due to frequently used hypertension drugs,
-In line with the problems experienced, we apply the gummy smile treatment due to problems such as the occurrence of inflammation on the gums.

–Gummy Smile Botox Treatment

Botox treatment in this regard is a method applied to many patients. Botox, which is mostly preferred for aesthetic purposes, has started to be preferred in the field of oral and dental treatment with the developing technology and medicine today. Botox, known as a toxin or poison, has been completely simplified. Thus, it started to be used in gummy smile.

We prefer the botox technique against the problems such as releasing the muscles that occur when smiling. It is a form of treatment that does not require any special treatment, only with the help of injectors. During the gummy smile treatment, we perform this application on the points determined in accordance with the patient’s structure.

The points determined during the procedure are usually applied as the areas where the lips or nose wings meet. Although the botox treatment is performed by injection, it is primarily created by using local anesthetic products. It is recommended that patients not wear make-up for one or two days after treatment.

At the same time, enlargement occurs on the blood vessels in the form of treatment we apply. Therefore, we advise our patients that alcohol should never be consumed. Finally, patients treated with botox application should not come into contact with hot water.

–Gummy Smile Crown Length

Extending the length of the tooth is a procedure that occurs most often in this form of treatment. The operation is performed for the purpose of extending the length of the core by applying flip operations within the process. With the method we apply, our main goal is to remove the excess gingival tissue and regulate the amount of gingiva proportionally.

During the process, if there is any crookedness between the lengths, the process is also carried out. With this application, the preferred gummy smile treatment provides a higher success rate.





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